Getting settled in

Well, it’s been just over a month since moving into my new apartment in Downtown Denver. While moving into the new digs, my Dad and friend Dan made a comment that the new bedroom and walk in closet is bigger then my old apartment. Now that I’ve been here for a bit, I totally agree. This place is home.

I’ve been slowly un packing and organizing. Trying to make it right the first time. Make it my home. Fridays I hang artwork- with the hopes of not bothering neighbors. Then there’s times where I finding myself getting lost in the view. Looking out the window and across Denver. Next month is Cruise Moab, and after a mellow winter, so ready to be out with friends. Dad and I have been working on this years Cruise Moab Poster and just had another Wanderin’ the West sticker printed up.

Yay spring!

March snow.

Slowly making progress and feeling more like home.

So much room!

Love watching the evening light from the living room window.

Local history.