Grand Mesa Exploratory run. June 2018

With over 300 lakes, Grand Mesa is the highest Flat Topped mountain in the World. During a long weekend in June, my pal Jackson lead a club run to explore Grand Mesa. Though overcast for the whole weekend, I had a blast finally checking out Grand Mesa. The wildflowers were abundant and the scenery awesome. With all the aspens, feel a fall trip to the Mesa would be a great time.

Friday nights camp among the tall Aspens.

Jackson leading us deeper into the Mesa.


Matt Ralston, Dan, and Matt G.

Stopped to check out an old cabin.

Typical scene for the weekend.

Cornhusk Lilly. Tuns of it out on the mesa.

Matt in a boggy section.

Lots of these guys on the Mesa.


Some of the gang.


Jackson in the lead.

One of the 300 lakes on the Mesa.

Another boggy section as we made or way up FR280.

Hunter Res.

Enjoying a nice walk from camp.


Evening sets in.


Another overcast gray morning.

Marsh Merigolds. They were everywhere at the lake.

Stuck. Not having sliders and worn tires, I was a bit more cautious with the driving.



Matt G.

Matt Ralston.

Cornhusk Lilly.

Morning light.


Some enjoyable drives on the Mesa.

Views from our lunch stop.

Fairy Trumpet.

Never seen so many Columbines. They were everywhere on the Mesa. Lots of Blues and Yellows. Didn’t see any Reds.
