Glacier Lagoon

Located on the southern end of Vatnajokull National Park, Glacier Lagoon started forming some 60 years ago when the Breidamerkurjokul Glacier started receding from the ocean. It’s reported to be Iceland’s deepest lake at 932 ft deep. The lake has continued to grow since the 1970’s.

We ended up getting the last tour boat of the day for our trip to Glacier Lagoon. After getting fitted with the proper safety gear and talk, we pilled into the small boat for a tour around the lagoon. Getting up close to the glacier along with checking out the icebergs in the lake ( at a safe distance) was quit the amazing experience. After about an hour on the boat, we thanked the captain and made our way to the beach that is littered with thousands of broken down icebergs- a photographers paradise.

Bruce and Dale as we head out into the Lagoon.

Really cool to check out all the icebergs of different sizes in the lagoon.

Bruce and Dale again.

Loved the color of this iceberg.

Dale and Greg.

Getting up close to the glacier.

Spotted a few seals lounging on the icebergs.

On the beach next to the lagoon after our boat ride.

Could spend hours here photographing.

Bruce and Greg and a nice sunset to end the day.