Holy Cross City Trail, September 2005

Had the chance to join my pal Farnham from the club back in the fall of 2005 for a fun day outing on the Holy Cross City trail, outside Minturn, CO.A trail that has always been on the bucket list ( i’m sure for most Colorado wheelers). Was fun to finally get on the trail that fall day and check it out, of course I haven’t been back since….

Just outside Minturn, CO, on the way to the trailhead for Holy Cross City, you’ll pass by the old mining town of Gilman, CO. Founded in the late 1880’s during the Silver boom, the town later focused on Lead and Zinc. Gilman was abandoned in 1984.

Taking in the fall views on the way to the trail head.

Making our way on the Holy Cross City trail.

Farnham in his FJ40.

Checking to make sure everything is tight.

My pal Joe from Colorado Toyota Specialists in Conifer, CO wheeling his well built Toyota truck buggy.

One of the first big obstacles on the trail. wish I could remember all the names to them.

Joe leading the group across French Creek. Water was low due to the time of year we crossed.

Farnham got stuck here.

Joe playing on the last obstacle above the old town of Holy Cross City. Whale Rock I believe?

Checking out some of the mining equipment left behind at Holy Cross City.

What’s left of Holy Cross City- A typical boom and bust Colorado mining town, with a peak population of around 300 people. Holy Cross came to be after mineral deposits were discovered in the 1880’s. The town only lasted a few years (1884), after the deposits played out. Though it did see a short re population in the 1890’s.

Checking out an old shaft near the city.
