Snow Pizza Run 2014

Though the conditions were windy and the snow hard packed, we had a fun time for this years Snow Pizza Run. A good turn out of club members. We weren’t able to get all the way to Yankee Hill, but had lots of fun trying! I rode along with my pal Treeroot in his FJ80 Land Cruiser to take pics. Enjoy!

Above Central City at the cemetery for our meet up/ air down spot.

After the first small hill climb, stopped at the parking area to re group.

Working on Cheesemans ARB compressor.

Cheeseman attempting the drift to get to the playground area.

Treeroot giving the drift a go.

Treeroot pulling Cheeseman out.

A windy day.

Clearing some trees off the trail further past the turn off for the playground area.

The clouds were pretty awesome that day.

Uncle Ben in “Wild Rice”.

Playing in the drifts in the playground area.


Uncle Ben getting stuck and unstuck in “Wild Rice”.

Treeroot stuck on the drift.

Scott Yoder and Treeroot.

Past the turnoff for the playground. About as far as we could get for that run.

Scott Yoder giving the hill a good trty.

Heading back down the trail. We finished the day with Pizza in Idaho Springs at Beau Jo’s Pizza.
