Ghost Town Run 2021. Act 2: Crystal Lake, Bristol Head and North Clear Creek Falls

For our last full day exploring the Creede area, after checking out the Underground Mining Museum in town (highly recommend!) we headed out of town on the highway for a short drive. A turn off on dirt would lead us through a most enjoyable drive through the forest- ending at Crystal lake for lunch. We backtracked from Crystal Lake and made out way to Bristol Head. A mellow drive with a most stunning view at the end of the road. Bristol Head, a stunning mountain with massive cliff face that overlooks the Upper Rio Grand River Valley- nothing short of spectacular views. The cliff face itself is impressive, my pal Travis figuring it to be around 3500ft. Once back to pavement, we stopped to check out North Clear Creek Falls. Back in Creede, a few of us stopped into town for a few drinks to end the day, before heading back to camp and another wet evening. We were happy though, even though wet, the evening was filled with good company.

A wet camp, but a another wonderful inversion filled morning.

Loved this scene as we were getting ready to leave camp.

A moody morning in Creede as we stop to check out the Underground Mining Museum- a wonderful place to check out.

After the Underground Mining Museum, we took a short drive on the highway. After turning onto dirt, and a fine drive through the forest, we took a break at Crystal Lake for Lunch.

Crystal Lake.

Honeybadger and those Summer views:).

Looking back on Table Mountain.

What was left of the gang at Bristol Head.

My pal Travis- aka the Honeybadger.

Some dramatic views from Bristol Head.

My pal Travis making me nervous standing close to the edge.

Table Mountain.

Some good light on Bristol Head as we head back down.

One last look at Tabletop Mountain.

North Clear Creek Falls.

Enjoying the morning inversion one last time before heading home.

Last views before the long drive home.