A productive November day at the cabin

This past Saturday, A few friends from the club joined me at the cabin to do a bit of work. My pal Travis brought his off road utility trailer, making quick work of the few slash piles that needed to be moved from the cabin to the open pit behind the farmhouse. After, we hoped in the Honeybadger, Travis’s highly modified Tacoma and went for a drive to wilderness Boundary. Of course, we made a stop at my favorite tree along the way:). Once at the wilderness boundary, we spent some time walking around and enjoying the fine morning. After, we made a stop at the pond in the Upper Meadows before heading back to the cabin.

I had it planned on staying the night at the cabin but the roads in were a bit sketchy and didn’t feel like dealing with that at 2am the next morning to drive down to work. Still, a great day to be up at the cabin with friends from the club:).

Travis brought up his off road utility trailer, it helped make quick work of the slash piles that we needed to move.

Unloading the slash piles into the pit behind the farmhouse.

After we got the slash piles moved, Ray and I hoped into the Honeybadger and went for a drive to the wilderness boundary. Such a beautiful day to be up at the property.

Of course had to stop at my favorite tree:).

Just a short drive from my favorite tree to Mt. Blue Sky wilderness boundary.

Took a short walk once at the wilderness boundary.

Meridian Peak in the distance.

Stopped by the pond in the Upper Meadows as well.