Hells Revenge. Cruise Moab 2019.

On Saturday of Cruise Moab, I rode along with my pal Jeremiah and the rest of the gang from Proffitt’s Cruisers. The warm sun and blue skies made for a great day on the trail.

The beginning of Hells Revenge.

Always fun watching the Mega Cruiser wheel.

Randy ready to make the climb up Hells Gate.

Randy pulled cable to get the White FJ up the last part of Hells Gate.

Bob’s turn up Hells Gate.

The Mega Cruiser going up Hells Gate.

Jeremiah spotting Luke up Hells Gate

Cactus in bloom at our lunch stop.

A well built 1st gen mini from Canada.

Jeremiahs Crawler and the snowy La Sals.

Randy in the easier Hot Tub.

One of the steeper drops on Hells Revenge.

Bob on the Escelator.

Randy’s turn on the Escelator.