Making progress on the rear bumper build for the 4runner

Last month, my Dad and I dropped off the 4runner to my pals at Envision Fabrication here in Denver. With the goal of finally getting a custom rear bumper built for the 4runner. We’ve been talking about doing this for a few years now, so I’m pretty excited to finally be moving forward on it:). Originally, my pal Travis planned to build the bumper in house, but with there metal shop- Envision Fabrication getting some pretty big jobs recently and myself distracted with dental work, we decided on a different route.

So for the base of the rear bumper, my pal Travis ordered a a bumper kit from Coastal Bumpers. He then will add swing outs and a few other items. Along with getting it powder coated. Goal is to have everything ready for Cruise Moab 2023.

Laying out some ideas for the rear bumper at Envision Fabrication back in October.

Dropping the 4runner of to the shop in February. Justin’s mighty “Red Chili” in the background. 3links going in on the front. More Cruise Moab prep.

Progress on rear bumper. Pics by @thehoneybadger.

All welded up and ground down. Next up, dual swing outs.